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In English

In English

The State Archives of Zaporizhia oblast

Address Bldg 1: Ukrainska Str, 48, Zaporozhye, 69095

Bldg 2: Lenin Ave., 162b, Zaporozhye, 69054

Phone: (061) 787-46-29, 787-47-44.

Fax: (061) 787-51-73,

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How to get Bldg 1 – stop “Biblioteka imeni Gorkogo”;

(public transport) Bldg 2 – stop “Plosha Festyvalna”;

Working hours Mon. – Thur.: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fri.: 8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Director Tedeyev Olexandr Sergiovych

Deputy Director Pylavska Olga Leonidivna




· The History

· The Funds

· The Scientific and Information System

· Automated Databases

· The Scientific and Information Library

· Literature

The History

· Zaporizhia okrug archive department (1925-1930)

· Zaporizhia local archive department (1930-1932)

· Zaporizhia state historical archive (1932-1939)

· Zaporizhia oblast historical archive (1939-1941)

· The state archives of Zaporizhia oblast (1941-1958)

· Zaporizhia oblast state archives (1958-1980)

· The state archives of Zaporizhia oblast (from 1980 till now)

The Funds

· 7975 funds, 2140493 files,

· 4582 scientific and technical documents,

· 4402 cine-records,

· 18 videotape records,

· 52527 snapshots,

· 632 snapshots.

1774 – 2019

The Archives keeps the documents of pre-soviet period. They represent the political and socio-economic state of Oleksandrivsk and partly Mariupol districts of Katerinoslavska province, Melitopol' and Berdyansk districts of Tavriyska province (present-day territory of Zaporizhia oblast).

The earliest documents are saved in the funds of Oleksandrivsk town hall and district land-surveyors and are dated with the end of the 13th – the beg. of the 19th c.

Considerable part of funds running from the 19th to the beg. of the 20th c. are the documents of local government organs such as Oleksandrivsk town hall, town simplified public administration, town duma and council, district zemstvo (an elected provincial legislature that existed in Russia between 1864 and 1917) councils, volost and village departments, district zemstvo statistical bureaus. These documents contain information about the state of cities and villages, industry and trade, education and public health, social and national structure of population.

The Archives keeps the funds of financial institutions, industrial enterprises of city and district. They’re the funds of Oleksandrivsk district treasury, factory inspector, factories of foundry iron production, agricultural machines and instruments of industrial societies such as "Lepp and Val'man", "Kopp", Y.F. Pshenychnyj, B.V. Rempel’ etc.

The documents, connected to the organization of the use of land of districts forming a part of Oleksandrivsk province, saved in the funds of district land-surveyors and of the commissions on organization of the use of land.

Institutions of people education are represented by the funds of city schools and gymnasiums.

History of religion is represented in the funds of religious cult institutions.

Most documents of the Archives are concentrated in the funds of soviet period and period of Ukraine independence. These are the funds of local public administrations and organs of local self-government: state administrations, local councils and their executive committees, their divisions and departments.

The defence of the political system is represented by the documents of court and public prosecutor institutions’ funds and the funds of the institutions of public law enforcement.

The large complex of documents is made by the funds of regional public associations and organizations, such as party, komsomol, trade-union, creative and public organizations.

The development of the financial, credit and tax system can be traced after the documents of funds of the departments and divisions of the State treasury of Ukraine, financial departments, banks and tax inspections. The development of planning and statistics can be traced after the documents of the funds of province and district economic meetings, local planned commissions, departments and bureaus of statistics.

The formation and development of the regional industry and power engineering are characterized with the funds of the national economy councils, departments of basic economical industries, industrial enterprises of metallurgical and machine-building complexes, such as "Zaporizhstal'", "Dniprospetstal'", "Koksokhimzavod", "Kremniypolimer", “Zaporizhtransformator”, car factory "Communar" etc.

An agriculture and forestry are presented by the funds of the land divisions, agriculture departments and inspections, specialized trusts, machine and tractor stations, “Sil'gosptekhnika” association, unions of agricultural co-operation, agricultural enterprises, forestries.

Science and education is represented by the funds of leading research institutes, departments and inspections of public education, high and secondary special educational institutions, schools.

The history of cultural life, art development and activity of mass medias is illustrated by the funds of departments, divisions and committees of cultural and educational institutions, art, culture, filming, printing, publishing and bookselling, broadcast and television, Zaporizhia and Melitopol' state Ukrainian musical and dramatic theatres, Zaporizhia regional philharmonic society, peasant houses and workings clubs.

The state of medicine, medical service, sanatoria and health resorts, pharmaceutics, health service are illustrated by the funds of public health departments and divisions, hospitals, dispensaries and sanatoriums.

The period of temporal nazi occupation of Zaporizhia oblast (1941 - 1944) is represented in the funds of occupation regime organs, such as shtadtcommissariat, town, district and rural councils, industrial enterprises, agricultural bureaus, communal economies etc.

The Archives keeps the personal origin documents of the men of science, cultural workers, other eminent persons, such as students of local lore and historians M.P. Kitsenko, Y.P. Novitskiy, V.G. Fomenko, writers and poets V.A. Lisniak, V.V. Moruga, painter F.F. Shevchenko, the Honoured painters of Ukraine V.O. Koshel, T.I. Neshcheret, V.M. Nevedrov, A.F. Troshchanovskij etc.

Some documents which are kept in the Archives were passed by the Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in Zaporozhia oblast. These are un-judicial dossiers on rehabilitated persons and filtration dossiers on persons who were taken out for work to Germany by force.

Films, phonodocuments and documentary photographs reproduce the history of the oblast from the post-war period to nowadays.

The scientific and technical documentation is represented by reports on development of scientific themes by leading research institutions.

All documents running to 1945 are removed from secret list and given into general charge. It is information about political situation at the local level, fight against brigandage, disfranchisement, pre-conditions, motion and consequences of Golodomor (1932 – 1933) in Zaporizhia oblast.

The Scientific and Information System


· 13402


· systematic;

· subject;

· nominal;

· geographical;

· systematic to films, phonodocuments and documentary photographs;

· nominal to films, phonodocuments and documentary photographs;

· 193 films, phonodocuments and documentary photographs, 133727 files are worked through subjectically, 387699 index cards are made.

Card indexes

· f. (fund) S (soviet) -1335 the Department of awards of Zaporizhia oblast executive committee. The card index is nominal (citizens who were awarded with orders and medals);

· f. S-5747 the Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in Zaporozhia oblast. The card index is nominal (persons which passed filtration after return from Germany);

· f. S-5747 the Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in Zaporozhia oblast. The card index is nominal (persons subjected to repression by extra-judicial institutions in the period from 1919 to 1951);



· Archival funds of volost and rural departments as a source of Zaporizhia region history studying;

· Bulgarian population of Pryazovje in the twenties and thirties of the XX c.;

· Greeks of South of Ukraine at the beginning of the ХХ c. The description of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast sources;

· Documents of volost and rural Revolutionary Committees which were added to the funds of the proper volost and rural executive committees;

· Documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast in the history of free Cossacks in Ukraine;

· Documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast about N. Makhno and Makhno motion;

· Documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast on the history of the Ukrainian autonomy church between 1917 and 1930;

· Documents about the development of telephone network in the Zaporizhia oblast;

· Documents of religious institutions from the funds of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast;

· From the history of Revolutionary Committees in the funds of Melitopil branch of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast;

· The history of socialist emulation and motion for communist labour on the ferrous metallurgy enterprises.


· f. 12 Oleksandrivsk district treasury;

· f. 32 Factory inspector of the Katerynoslav province’s third area;

· f. 250 Berdiansk exemplary steppe forestry;

· f. S-2 Zaporizhia province executive committee;

· f. S-56 Berdiansk district department of workers' and peasants' inspection;

· f. S-58 Melitopol district department of workers' and peasants' inspection;

· f. S-2541 Building and assembly department "Zaporizhbud";

· f. S-2549 Zaporizhia soviet national economy;

· f. S-5760 Researcher of local lore M.P. Kytsenko

Automated databases:

· E-version of the fund catalogue contains 8006 records;

· Short guide on the funds of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast contains 5187 records;

· Documents about pre-conditions, motion and consequences of Golodomor (1932 – 1933) in Zaporizhia in the memorial funds – 1084 records;

· Catalogue of births’ registers contains 200 records;

· Scientific and methodical working-outs of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast running from 2000 to 2009 – 28 working-outs;

· Annotated lists of funds:

- unclassified archive funds - 256 records;

- funds of the pre-soviet period – 223 records;

- funds of period of nazi occupation of Ukraine (1941 - 1944) – 186 records;

- funds of the personal origin – 33 records;

- funds on the history of the Ukrainian population deportation to Poland in 1944 – 1948 – 65 records;

- funds on the history of Orthodox church in Zaporizhia – 59 records;

- funds on the history of Jewries – 66 records;

· Nominal databases:

- soviet warriors lost and buried on the territory of Zaporizhia oblast – 628 records;

- persons subjected to repression by extrajudicial institutions in 1919 - 1951, whose cases are kept in the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast – 16276 records;

- act records about death, running from 1932 to 1933 – 33805 records;

- eyewitnesses of Golodomor (1932 – 1933) who live in Zaporizhia oblast - 1788 records.

Scientific and reference library

· 12630 books and brochures

ХІХ century - 2019

The scientific and reference library of the archives contains social and political, information and encyclopaedic, regional editions, national and local periodicals for 1903-2019.


Novitskiy I.P. The list of archive files of Mariupol and Aleksandrovsk district heads // The chronicle of Catherinoslav scientific archive commission. - 1904. - V. 1. - P. 110-137. (in Russian)

The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast and his branch in Melitopil: Guide-book. - K., 1968. - 296 p. (in Ukrainian)

Chebanenko P.K. From the history of party archives of Zaporizhia oblast committee of the Communist party of Ukraine // The third republican scientific conference on archivistics and other special historical disciplines / The archive department of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine. - К., 1968. - [V. 1]. First section. Archivistics. - К., 1968. - P. 78-85. (in Ukrainian)

The State archives of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine: Short guide. - К., 1972. - P. 102-104. (in Ukrainian)

The State archives of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine: Guide. - К., 1988. - P. 139-143. (in Ukrainian)

The State archives of the Soviet Union: Guide: In 2 parts. - М., 1989. - P. 1. - P. 510-514. (in Ukrainian)

Taras Shevchenko and Zaporizhia land / The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast; Comp.: L.F. Bortnikova, О.М.  Ignatusha, О.S. Tedeev. – Zaporozhia, 1992. – 118 p. (in Ukrainian)

Bulgarian population of the South of Ukraine: Researches and documents. – Edition 1. / Zaporizhia state university, The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast, Zaporizhia society of Bulgarian culture; Editorial board: M.D. Nekoz, V.S. Orlanskyj, О.S. Tedeev. Zaporizhia, 1993. – 140  p. (in Ukrainian)

Jewish population of the South of Ukraine: Researches and documents. – Edition 1. / Zaporizhia state university, the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast, Jewish council of Zaporizhia oblast; Editorial board: F.G.Turchenko, M.D. Nekoz, S.F. Orlanskyj, О.S. Tedeev, B.L. Esterkin. Zaporizhia, 1994. – 174  p. (in Ukrainian)

The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast // Documentaries on the history of Jewry in the archives of Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic countries. - Acropolis. Saint Petersburg, 1994.- P. 46. (in Ukrainian)

Turchenko F.G., Ignatusha О.М. Documentary sources of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast on the history of Zaporizhia land population (XIX-XX c.) // Jewish population of the South of Ukraine: the history and the present: Thesis for scientific conference on October, 27-28, 1994 / Zaporizhia state university, Jewish council of Zaporizhia oblast. - Zaporizhia, 1995. - P. 40-43. (in Ukrainian)

Ignatusha О.M., Tedeev О.S. The archival fund of Oleksandrivsk district treasury (source-studying review) // Works of Zaporizhia state university research laboratory of the South Ukraine history: South Ukraine of ХVIII-XIX c. - 1996. - Edition 1. - P. 149 - 153. (in Ukrainian)

Ignatusha О.M., Tedeev О.S. The archival fund of local lore researcher Kytsenko M.P. as a source of knowledge about creative work of Zaporizhia Cossacks researcher // Zaporizhia Cossacks. In the history and culture: Materials of international scientific practical conference. Section I, II. -Zaporizhia, 1997. - P. 153-156. (in Ukrainian)

We’ll keep that glory: Public motion for perpetuating the history of Ukrainian Cossacks in the second half of the fifties – the eighties of ХХ c. Collection of documents and materials / The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of history of Ukraine, Allukrainian union of local lore researchers, Central state archive-museum of literature and arts of Ukraine, the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast; Comp.: О.G. Bazhan, О.М.  Ignatusha, О.S. Tedeev, О.О.  Tsyganenko, О.А.  Shevchuk. – К., 1997. – 475 p. (in Ukrainian)

Ignatusha О.М. American representative office in Dniprobud: documents from the funds of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast // South Ukraine of XX c. / Works of Zaporizhia state university research laboratory of the South Ukraine history. - Edition. 1(4). - Zaporizhia, 1998. - P. 45-75. (in Ukrainian)

Ignatusha О., Shugaliova І. The documents of Oleksandrivsk city council as a source of local Jewish population religious life studying (according to the documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast) // Jewish history and culture in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe: 36. scient. works: Materials of conference on September, 2-5, 1997 / The Institute of the Jewry, The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. - Kiev, 1998. - V. 1. - P. 67-70. (in Ukrainian)

Velychko О.G. Settling by Greeks of Oleksandrivsk district of Catherinoslav province in the ХVIII-XIX c. // Ukraine - Greece: archival and book heritage of Ukraine Greeks: Collected researches. - К., 1998. - P. 50-56 (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova І. Greeks of the South of Ukraine at the beginning of the ХХ c. according to the sources of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast // Ukraine - Greece: archival and book heritage of Ukraine Greeks: Collected researches. - К., 1998. - P. 70-76. (in Ukrainian)

Bondar V.О. Librarianship in the country at the conditions of cultural and educational process’s bilshovyzation (1919-1921): on the materials of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast / Archivistic and librarianship in Ukraine at the period of liberation movement (1917-1921): Collected researches. / Editorial board: V.S. Lozytskyj and others. – К., 1998. - P. 123-128. (in Ukrainian)

Goncharova N.О. Libraries of Gulaypole secondary schools in 1917-1919: on the materials of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast / Archivistic and librarianship in Ukraine at the period of liberation movement (1917-1921): Collected researches. / Editorial board: V.S. Lozytskyj and others. – К., 1998. - С. 128-132. (in Ukrainian)

Along a thorny path to the temple: Oles Honchar in social and political life of Ukraine in the sixties – eighties of the ХХ c. Collection of documents and materials / The Institute of the history of Ukraine, Oles Honchar All-Ukrainian fund of historical and architectural heritage reconstruction, Central state archive-museum of literature and arts of Ukraine, the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast; Compliers.: P.T. Tronko, О.G. Bazhan, U.Z. Danyluk. – К., 1999. – 304 p. (in Ukrainian)

The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast: Short reference book / the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast; Compilers: V.А. Arkhipova, S.T. Bilets, Т.А. Kravchina, О.А. Serbinova, О.V.  Shyshkina. - Zaporizhia, 1999. – 232 p. (in Ukrainian)

Tedeev О.S., Ignatusha О.M., Liakh К.S. Mykolajpilski filial Mennonite colonies: from the depositories of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast // Works of Zaporizhia state university research laboratory of the South Ukraine history: South Ukraine in the ХVIII-XIX c. - 1999. - Edition 4(5). - P. 83-100. (in Ukrainian)

Leaders of Zaporizhia oblast (1939-2000 ): Biographic guide / I. Novytskyj Zaporizhia scientific society, the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast, Central-Europe institute of democratic reforms; Author: R.B.  Shykhanov. - Zaporizhia, 2000 – 72 p. (in Ukrainian)

Leaders of Zaporizhia (1939-2000 ): Biographic guide / I. Novytskyj Zaporizhia scientific society, the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast, Central-Europe institute of democratic reforms; Author: R.B.  Shykhanov. - Zaporizhia, 2000 – 72 p. (in Ukrainian)

Archival institutions of Ukraine: Reference book / Authors: О.І. Altukhova, S.І. Androsov, L.S. Anokhina and others; editorial board: О.S. Onyshenko, R.I. Pyrig, L.A. Dubrovina and others; compilers: G.V. Boriak, S.G. Danevych, L.A. Dubrovina and others; State Committee for Archives of Ukraine, Ministry of culture and arts of Ukraine; Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. - К., 2000. - P. 76-78. (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova I.V. The patron of science Ievdokim Paulovich Granobarskiy // Almanac «Sozvezdie»: The edition of the regional program «Zorianyj shliakh», Zaporozhye: IPK «Zaporozhye », 2000. – №1. – P.  56? 57. (in Russian)

Kozlova I.V. The first mayor of Aleksandrovsk P.L. Zakharin // Almanac «Sozvezdie»: The edition of the regional program «Zorianyj shliakh», Zaporozhye: IPK «Zaporozhye », 2000. – №2. – P.  34 ? 35. (in Russian)

Velichko О.G. Nicolay Kitsenko, his life and fortune // Almanac «Sozvezdie»: The edition of the regional program «Zorianyj shliakh», Zaporozhye: IPK «Zaporozhye», 2001. – №7. – P.  16. (in Russian)

Velichko Е.G. Jewry of Zaporozhye oblast in the period of the World War II / The fifth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2001. - P. 115-120. (in Russian)

Kozlova I.V. Jewish educational institutions in the South of Ukraine in the 1st half of the ХІХ c. (according to the documents of the State archives of Zaporozhye oblast) / The fifth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2001. - P. 248-252. (in Russian)

Materials of the First Novytskyj readings. October, 24, 2002 / Novytskyj Zaporizhia scientific society, Zaporizhia filial of Grushevskyj Institute of Ukrainian archeography and source study of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast, Zaporizhia regional museum of local lore, Gorky Zaporizhia oblast universal library; Editorial board: S.  Abrosimova, A.  Boiko, U. Golovko, V. Milchev, І. Savchenko (executive secretary), I. Stepanenko, O. Tedeev, G. Shapovalov. - Zaporizhia, 2002. – 145 p. (in Ukrainian)

Velichko О.G., Kozlova I.V. The activity of I.P. Novytskyj (according to the documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast) / Materials of the First Novytskyj readings. - Zaporizhia: RА «Tandem ? U», 2002. ? P. 7? 12. (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova I.V. Melitopol central library in the twenties of the ХХ c. (according to the documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast) / History of librarianship in Zaporizhia. Edition 2: Materials of oblast seminar. - Zaporizhia, «Polygraph», 2002. – P. 22-26. (in Ukrainian)

Zaporizhia archives. Studying of the history of Greeks of South Ukraine (XVIII-XX c.): Scientific and popular edition. / the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast; authors and compilers: О.G.  Velichko, V.O. Bondar, N.О. Goncharova, І.V. Kozlova, U.О. Pryimak. - Zaporizhia, 2003. – 140 p. (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova I.V. Documents of the fund «Zaporozhye district statistical bureau» about Jewish educational institutions of Guliaypole district in the twenties of the XX c. / The seventh Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2003. - P. 170-174. (in Russian)

Velichko Е.G. From the history of Jewish community of Aleksandrovsk (IX – the beg. of the XX c.) (about cult religious buildings and representatives of religious government according to the documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast) / The seventh Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2003. - P. 122-127. (in Russian)

Velichko О.G., Kozlova I.V. Maria Sokil is the melodious Ukrainian star of the ХХ c. / Scientific works of Zaporizhia state university historical faculty. - Zaporizhia: Prosvita, 2004. Edition XVII. – P. 298? 302. (in Ukrainian)

Bondar V.О. Repressive actions of the State Political Department organs in Zaporizhia in the twenties of the ХХ с./ Researches of historical faculty of Zaporizhia state university. - Zaporizhia: Prosvita, 2004. Edition XVII. – P. 165? 167. (in Ukrainian)

Velichko О.G. Melitopol garment factory: decades of history / The eighth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2004. - P. 51-58. (in Russian)

Kozlova I.V. Educational institutions of the Luxemburg district Jewish population in the twenties of the XX c. / The eighth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2004. - P. 58-65. (in Russian)

Archival institutions of Ukraine: Reference book. V. 1. State archives / The State Committee for Archives of Ukraine. USRIAD; Editorial board: G.V. Boriak, I.B. Matiash, G.V. Papakin. Edition II. - К., 2005. - P. 272-285 (in Ukrainian)

Bondar V.O., Velichko О.G. Ukrainian migrants from Poland in Zaporizhia land in 1944-1946 (original documents from the funds of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast) // Archives of Ukraine. – 2005. ? №4. – P. 200? 219. (in Ukrainian)

Bondar V.O., Velichko О.G., Kozlova I.V. Zaporizhia in the invaders’ hands (according to memorials and evidences of eyewitnesses, participants of Resistance motion in Zaporizhia land in 1941? 1943 // Archives of Ukraine. – 2005. ? № 1? 3. – P. 262? 287. (in Ukrainian)

Velichko О.G. From history of “small” popular war in Ukraine (to the question about Jewries participation in the anti-fascist fight on the occupied territory of Ukraine during World War II) / The ninth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye city department of the "Ukraine - Israel" society. - Zaporozhye, 2005. - P. 194-198. (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova I.V. Moznaimy are merchants and factories owners / The ninth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye state university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2005. - P. 323-328. (in Russian)

Kozlova I.V. From the history of Gulyaypole district library / Library local lore studying: Materials of local lore readings, September, 7 – 9, 2004, Berdyansk. Edition 3. – Zaporizhia, «Pani Zosya» enterprise, 2005. – P. 3-7. (in Russian)

Zaporizhia archive. Popular war. 1941-1944. Anti-fascist motion of Resistance in the territory of Zaporizhia oblast: Collected documents and materials: Scientific and reference edition. / The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast; Authors.: V.O.  Bondar, О.G.  Velichko, І.V. Kozlova. - Zaporizhia, 2005. – 560 p. (in Ukrainian)

Nestor Makhno. Peasant motion in Ukraine. 1918-1921: Documents and materials / Series: Peasant revolution in Russia. 1902-1922 : Documents and materials / edited by V. Danilov and Т.Shanin. Moscow high school of social and economic sciences; Belynskij Penza state pedagogical university; Federal archive agency. Russian state military archives, Russian state archives of socio-political history, The state archives of the Russian Federation, Central archives of FSS of the Russian Federation, Central state archives of higher institutions of power and governing of Ukraine, The State archives of Zaporozhye oblast, The State archives of the Security Service of Ukraine. - М. – 2006. – 1000 p. (in Russian)

Documents and materials on the history of Priazovje Albanians / Novitskij Zaporizhia scientific society, Department of culture and tourism of Zaporizhia oblast state administration, The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast, Zaporizhia filial of Grushevskyj Institute of Ukrainian archeography and source study of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Compilers: A.  Boiko, L. Bratsylo, I. Kozlova, V.  Milchev, О. Tedeev. - Zaporizhia, 2006. – 168 p. (in Ukrainian)

The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast: Booklet / Compilers: Bondar V.O., Velichko О.G., Kozlova I.V. - Zaporizhia, 2006. (in Ukrainian)

Bondar V.O., Velichko О.G. Zaporizhia Jewries are the victims of political repressions in the 1st half of the ХХ c. / The tenth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye national university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2006. - P. 190-199. (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova I.V. Documents of «Administrative department of the Zaporozhye district executive committee of the Council of workers, peasant and Red Army men deputies» fund about the Jewish population of Zaporozhye district (1924-1930) / The tenth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye national university, Zaporozhye city department of the "Ukraine - Israel" society. - Zaporozhye, 2006. - P. 230-239. (in Russian)

Bondar V.O., Velichko О.G. Documents about Jewish religious societies’ activity in the ХІХ  c. (Review of the archive funds of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast) / The eleventh Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye national university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2007. - P. 243-250. (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova I.V. Jewish religious societies of Gulaypole district of Zaporizhia district in the twenties of the ХХ c. (according to the documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast) / The eleventh Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye national university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2007. - P. 250-258. (in Ukrainian)

Bondar V.O. Cultural and educational process in the country and transformation of libraries into the instrument of the ideological influencing of bolshevists to Ukrainian peasantry in 1919-1921 / Library local-lore studying: Materials of local-lore seminar. Edition 2. - Zaporizhia, Polygraph, 2007. – P. 3-9. (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova I.V. From the history of Pushkin Aleksandrovsk teacher library. / Library local-lore studying: Materials of local-lore seminar. Edition 4. – Zaporizhia, Polygraph, 2007. – P. 9-13. (in Russian)

Bondar V.O., Velichko О.Г. Archive sources about Jewish religious societies’ activity in Zaporizhia in the twenties of the ХХ  c. / The twelfth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye national university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2008. - P. 64-74. (in Ukrainian)

Kozlova I. Jewish religious societies of Orekhov district Ореховского района in the twenties of the ХХ  c. / The twelfth Zaporozhye Jewish reading: Collected researches / Zaporozhye national university, Zaporozhye city department of the society "Ukraine - Israel". - Zaporozhye, 2008. - P. 74-79. (in Ukrainian)

Golodomors in Zaporizhia (1921-1923, 1932-1933, 1946-1947), documents, memorials/ Almanac «Spokuta», № 8-9: Scientific and popular edition / Editorial board: Frolov М.О., Klepakov О.О., Rebro P.P., Tedeev О.С. and others. - Zaporizhia: Dniprovskyj metallurg, 2008. – 520 p. (in Ukrainian)

National book of memory about victims of Golodomor in Ukraine. Zaporizhia oblast: Scientific edition./ Ukrainian institute of national memory, Zaporizhia oblast state administration, Zaporizhia national university, The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast. - Zaporizhia: Dyke pole, 2008. – 1080 p. (in Ukrainian)

Scientific and informational booklet “To know and remember. Golodomor in 1932-1933 in Zaporizhia” / The State archives of Zaporizhia oblast. – 2008. – 16 p. (in Ukrainian)

Golodomor in 1932-1933: Zaporizhia measuring: Scientific edition / Zaporizhia oblast state administration, Zaporizhia national university, the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast; Editorial board: Turchenko F.G., Chabanenko V.А., Ignatusha О.М., Tkachenko V.G., Tedeev О.S., Stadnichenko О.О. - Zaporizhia: Prosvita, 2008. – 320 p. (in Ukrainian)

Bondar V.O. State grain procurements crises in the end of the twenties of the XX c. and Golodomor in 1932-1933 in Ukraine and middle part of party-soviet nomenclature (according to the documents of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast) / Golodomor 1932-1933: Zaporizhia measuring: Scientific edition. - Zaporizhia: Prosvita, 2008. – P. 59-65. (in Ukrainian)

Velichko О.G., Kozlova I.V. Funds of the State archives of Zaporizhia oblast about Golodomor in 1932-1933 / Golodomor 1932-1933: Zaporizhia measuring: Scientific edition. - Zaporizhia: Prosvita, 2008. – P. 203-208. (in Ukrainian)